Refuting the “Laws” of Economics . . . One at a Time

Sat Oct 30 2021

Challenging a NYT Column Singing the Praises of Platforms and Dismissing Their Network Effects

Tue Sep 14 2021

Walmart The Price Gouger

Tue Sep 14 2021

What Rat You Out Smartphone Surveillance Do You Support?

Mon Sep 06 2021

Tracking Inconsistent Zigs and Zags in Telecom Policy Research

Mon Aug 16 2021

And on the Left: Preciousness With a Dash of Sanctimony

Mon May 24 2021

Infrastructure Ransomware Targets Are Not Victims

Sun May 16 2021

Side-by-Side Truth and Mistruth in the Wall Street Journal

Sun Apr 25 2021

Can You Hear Me Now?—The Wireline Edition

Wed Apr 21 2021

Fun With Math: How the Wall Street Journal Doubles Down on Vilifying Green Power Generation

Fri Feb 19 2021

Did the Wall Street Journal Deliberately Lie to Vilify Reliance on Wind Power?

Wed Feb 17 2021

Local Broadcast Market Concentration Promotes More Local News Operations?

Fri Jan 22 2021

Why Would a Fundamental Economic “Rule” Not Apply?

Sun Nov 22 2020

NewTMobile and the Real World Reluctance to Spend Sleepless Afternoons Innovating and Competing

Tue Oct 27 2020

Freedom of Speech Hypocrites

Fri Oct 16 2020

5G Public/ Private Partnerships Versus Auctions

Tue Oct 13 2020

Misrepresentations in the Rat You Out Economy

Tue Sep 15 2020

Why Spend More Than $6.25 Billion on a Company that Primarily Resells Your Service?

Tue Sep 15 2020

Game, Set and Match: How the Cable Industry Generated Billions by Making Their Set Top Boxes Irreplaceable

Thu Sep 10 2020

Timely Insights From Conversation with a Nautical Buoy Tender Nearly Forty Years Ago

Fri Aug 28 2020

Learned Helplessness: How The Wall Street Journal Could Not Find a Way to Make Timely Delivery of Its Product

Tue Aug 25 2020

Walking on Egg Shells, Failing a Litmus Test and Shown the Door

Wed Aug 05 2020

Hipster and Geriatric Antitrust Doctrine

Wed Aug 05 2020

When Economist-Created “Rules” and “Laws” Do Not Work or Are Forgotten

Sun Jul 26 2020

Tolerating Hubris at the New York Times

Sun Jul 19 2020

What Do Facebook and Outdoor Swimming Pools Have in Common?

Sun Jul 19 2020

Racing for the Covid-19 Cure at a Leisurely 14,400 Bits Per Second

Tue Jul 14 2020

Buy American: From Cars to Wireless to Apps

Wed Jul 08 2020

U.S. Passes a Key Resiliency Test, But Let’s Not Get Carried Away

Sun May 10 2020

Migration From Wireless to Wired Networks During the Pandemic--It's More Than the Squint Factor

Tue Apr 07 2020

Lies, Damn Lies and Wall Street Journal Editorials

Fri Apr 03 2020

The New York Times Errs in Coverage of Satellite Life Extension

Sun Mar 01 2020

The Odds for New TMobile to Morph into TMobile on Steroids?

Fri Feb 21 2020

TMobile-Sprint Merger Approved and 144 Million U.S. Subscribers Will Pay Dearly

Tue Feb 11 2020

The $60 Billion C-Band Sweepstakes: Who Gets the Windfall for Accommodating 5G?

Tue Nov 19 2019

More Overstatements About the Lovefest a Merged TMobile-Sprint will Deliver

Sun Nov 17 2019

Lessons From Milk Price Supports

Wed Oct 30 2019

What You Need to Know About the Restoring Internet Freedom Court Decision

Wed Oct 02 2019

Results-driven Decisions that Do Not Pass the Smell Test: The D.C. Circuit Affirms Most of the FCC’s Restoring Internet Freedom Order

Tue Oct 01 2019

A False All Clear Conclusion from the Chicago Tribune

Tue Sep 03 2019

Shoot First with Snark and Maybe Check the Facts Later: Mistruths and Market Misperception by WSJ Columnist Holman W. Jenkins

Wed Jul 31 2019

5 Guaranteed Future Outcomes from the Sprint-TMobile Lovefest—Part Two

Sat Jul 27 2019

5 Guaranteed Future Outcomes from the Sprint-TMobile Lovefest

Fri Jul 26 2019

Empirical Tests for Assessing the Consumer and Marketplace Consequences of the Sprint-TMobile Merger

Mon Jun 17 2019

Did the Justice Department Embrace Competition-Lite as a Merger Lifeline?

Sun Jun 16 2019

What’s Good for TMobile, Sprint and an FCC Chairman is Good for America?

Tue May 21 2019

What the Mergers by and of U.S. Airways Tell Us About the TMobile Sprint Merger

Mon Apr 29 2019

Adventures in Algorithms: My Word Against the ATM

Thu Apr 25 2019

Five Inconvenient Facts about the Migration to 5G Wireless

Sun Mar 10 2019

D.C. Circuit Court of Appeals Affirms Lower Court Approval of AT&T-Time Warner Merger

Tue Feb 26 2019

The FCC Really, Really Does Care About Making Spoofing Illegal

Mon Jan 14 2019

OMG! The FCC Just Legalized Spoofing!

Fri Jan 11 2019

How Smart are Algorithms?

Wed Jan 02 2019

Top Ten Irreverent Predictions for 2019 (Part Two)

Fri Dec 21 2018

Neutrality Regulatory Uncertainty and Wireless Carrier Capital Expenditures

Tue Oct 23 2018

The Wisdom of the Marketplace Challenged

Tue Oct 16 2018

Regulatory Uncertainty and Investment Incentives

Thu Oct 04 2018

Results-Driven Federalism Part 2

Tue Oct 02 2018

Result-Driven Federalism: How the FCC Rationalizes the Lawfulness of Preemption

Wed Sep 26 2018

8th Circuit Rules VoIP an Information Service

Tue Sep 11 2018

Network Neutrality and the Court of Public Opinion

Mon Sep 10 2018

Lessons in Incivility: Two Frequent and Frustrating Strategies

Sun Sep 02 2018

Missing the Burning Forest for the Trees-Verizon Throttles California Fire Fighters at the Worst Possible Time, But Few Get the Lesson

Thu Aug 23 2018

Corporate Welfare, Cronyism and Excess: The AccuWeather Case Study

Mon Jul 16 2018

What the Justice Department Got Wrong in Opposing the AT&T –Time Warner Merger

Sun Jul 15 2018

Radical, Judicial Activism in a Kavanaugh Dissent

Tue Jul 10 2018

Wall Street Journal Fact Checking Quiz

Fri Jul 06 2018

Comcast Sneaks in Another Billing Line Item and “Earns” an Additional $1 Billion

Sun Jul 01 2018

Life in the Antitrust Wonderland: Suspension of Disbelief and the TMobile-Sprint Merger

Fri Jun 22 2018

Grievous Defects in the AT&T-Time Warner Court Decision

Wed Jun 13 2018

Legacy Antitrust Models Have Legs in the Internet Ecosystem: AT&T’s Acquisition of Time Warner

Mon Jun 11 2018

The Sun Will Rise on Monday Even With the Sunset of Network Neutrality

Fri Jun 08 2018

How Consumers Suffer from the Sprint-TMobile Merger

Mon Apr 30 2018

The FCC’s 2018 Broadband Report: How Do You Politicize a Statistical Report?

Wed Apr 25 2018

Freedom to Discriminate: Assessing the Lawfulness and Utility of Biased Broadband Networks

Sun Apr 15 2018

I Won’t Get Over the Loss of Privacy Expectations

Tue Mar 20 2018

The Carriers’ Carrier Option for 5G Wireless

Fri Feb 16 2018

Drunk on Deregulation

Wed Jan 17 2018

FCC Preemption of State Network Neutrality Initiatives

Thu Jan 11 2018

A Deep Dive into the FCC’s Circulated Restoring Internet Freedom Document

Sun Dec 17 2017

“Restoring” Internet Freedom for Whom?

Wed Dec 06 2017

The Misguided Wisdom in Substituting the Generalist FTC for Sector-Specific FCC Expertise

Fri Dec 01 2017

Regulation as a Manageable Cost Center: The Example of Network Neutrality and the AT&T Acquistion of Time Warner

Tue Nov 21 2017

The Ambivalently Federalist FCC

Thu Nov 16 2017

AT&T-Time Warner: More than a Vertical Merger

Tue Nov 14 2017

What’s a Fair Burden of Proof in Forecasting Future Benefits, or Harms?

Tue Oct 10 2017

Would You Pay a 400% Surcharge for Connected Networks?

Tue Oct 10 2017

Winners and Losers in the Sprint-TMobile Merger

Fri Sep 22 2017

Plausible Deniability and Its Role in Sponsored Research

Thu Aug 31 2017

Wireline vs. Wireless Broadband: Alternative or Complementary Technologies?

Fri Aug 25 2017

Seven Questions About Wireless Carrier Throttling of All Video Streams

Tue Aug 22 2017

The High Cost of Independence in Telecommunications Policy Analysis

Sat Jul 22 2017

Wireless Carrier Ambivalence about Wi-Fi and What This Tells Us About Competition and Incentives

Thu Jul 20 2017

Degrading Customer Quality of Experience as a Successful ISP Business Strategy

Fri Jul 14 2017

The 5G Wireless Utopia Just 6 Months After the Obama Investment Downer

Wed Jul 05 2017

Handicapping the Odds for Perpetually Full Voice Mailboxes

Mon Jun 05 2017

Summary of the FCC's Restoring Internet Freedom NPRM

Thu May 25 2017

Hidden in Plain Sight: FCC Chairman Pai’s Strategy to Further Concentrate the U.S. Wireless Marketplace

Fri May 19 2017

FCC Chairman Pai's Results-Driven Decision Making

Tue May 09 2017

More Doctrinal and Partisan Economic Analysis at the FCC

Thu Apr 20 2017

Being a Regulated Common Carrier Means You Never Have to Be Truly Sorry: How United Airlines Can Forcefully Evict Paying Passengers to Make Way for Non-Rev Crew

Mon Apr 10 2017

This is the Information Age?

Tue Apr 04 2017

Differences Between Content and Carrier Privacy

Sat Apr 01 2017

Massive 5G Investment, Despite “Regulatory Uncertainty”

Wed Mar 01 2017

FCC Chairman Pai’s Alternate Facts Part 3, Privacy "Protection" for Broadband Consumers

Mon Feb 27 2017

FCC Chairman Pai’s Alternative Personalities, Facts, Economics and Law—Part Two

Thu Feb 09 2017

FCC Chairman Pai’s Alternative Personalities, Facts, Economics and Law—Part One

Wed Feb 08 2017

An Open Letter to FCC Chairman-Nominee Ajit Pai

Mon Jan 23 2017

TMobile’s 480p Video Delivery Gambit: Tiering, or Throttling?

Wed Jan 18 2017

Who Pays What to Whom in the Internet Ecosystem?

Mon Jan 16 2017

Insights on Future FCC Decision-making Gleaned From a Judicial Dissent

Thu Dec 22 2016

In Praise of Domestic Engineering

Wed Dec 21 2016

Likely and Behind the Scenes Changes at the FCC

Wed Nov 30 2016

Reform the FCC!

Sun Nov 27 2016

A Curious Blend of Millennial Indignation and Glitchy Bar Code Pricing

Sun Nov 27 2016

Oh Joy: Another Group of Email Addressees Who Ignore My Correspondence

Mon Nov 14 2016

A Nuanced Analysis of Zero Rating

Fri Nov 04 2016

Direct and Indirect Ways the FCC Will Weigh in on the AT&T-Time Warner Merger

Tue Nov 01 2016

Another Day, Another $34 Billion in Telecom Industry Consolidation

Mon Oct 31 2016

Make Versus Buy in Information, Communications and Entertainment –Comparing the Strategy of AT&T with Facebook, Google and Other Unicorns

Wed Oct 26 2016

AOL-Time Warner ($160 Billion in 2000) vs. AT&T-Time Warner ($85 Billion in 2017): Is It Different This Time?

Sun Oct 23 2016

AT&T—Time Warner and the Mixed Results in Vertical Integration by Bellheads

Sat Oct 22 2016

Regulation by Contractual Fine Print

Thu Oct 20 2016

Take-Aways From the Yahoo Network-wide Scan

Tue Oct 04 2016

The Strategy in Smartphone Battery Location

Fri Sep 16 2016

So This is How the Internet of Things Works

Fri Sep 09 2016

Paying Mooching Carriers—Wi-Fi Spectrum Use by Licensed Operators

Mon Aug 22 2016

Another Study in Inconsistency: North Carolina Politics

Sat Aug 13 2016

Consistently Inconsistent: How Very Large ICT Ventures Cannot Maintain a Consistent Legal/Regulatory Posture

Fri Aug 12 2016

Underappreciated Reasons Why Cable Operators Don’t Want Set Top Box Competition

Fri Aug 05 2016

Make Versus Buy in Telecommunications—Verizon/Yahoo

Sat Jul 23 2016

Preliminary Summary of the D.C. Circuit Court of Appeals Network Neutrality Decision

Thu Jun 16 2016

It's Still the Cable Company, Part 711

Sun May 29 2016

Conservatives Playing the Victim Card

Thu May 12 2016

Broadband Carrier Quandary: Exploit Bandwidth Scarcity, or Reduce It?

Tue May 03 2016

Anatomy of Defective Legislation: The No Rate Regulation of Broadband Internet Access Act, H.R. 2666

Fri Apr 29 2016

Set Top Box Death Watch—Are You Kidding?

Mon Apr 25 2016

Lies, Damn Lies, Statistics and Mistruths in the Set Top Box Debate

Fri Apr 22 2016

One Minute on How Washington and the Law Screw the Powerless

Thu Mar 10 2016

So Set Top Box Competition Victimizes Incumbents, Harms Minorities, Enriches Google and Increases the Number of Set Top Boxes Consumers Have to Use??????

Sat Feb 20 2016

Set Top Box Competition: What’s Not to Like?

Thu Feb 18 2016

Latest Publications: Conflict in the Network of Networks: How Internet Service Providers Have Shifted From Partners to Adversaries

Mon Feb 15 2016

Latest Law Review Publication

Mon Jan 25 2016

Comcast Plays By Its Own Rules

Mon Jan 25 2016

Did Comcast’s Local Broadcast Retransmission Costs Rise 65% Last Year?

Tue Dec 29 2015

Do Righteous Indignation and Hyperbole Persuade People?

Mon Dec 28 2015

One Mystery of the Universe Solved: Why Just About Every Comcast Subscriber Hates the Company

Mon Dec 28 2015

The Regulatory Uncertainty Red Herring

Tue Dec 08 2015

Everything You Ever Wanted to Know About Network Neutrality

Tue Dec 08 2015

So Why Would Verizon and Other Carriers Want to Spend Yet More Billions on Content?

Thu Dec 03 2015

That $200,000 Degree Comes Without a Warranty

Wed Nov 04 2015

The Internet of Infallible Algorithms

Thu Oct 29 2015

Teaching Millennials

Mon Oct 26 2015

It's Still the Cable Company--Part 179

Mon Oct 26 2015

Incumbents’ Incentives and Disincentives to Invest in Existing and Next Generation Networks

Mon Oct 19 2015

The Myth of Broadband Investment "Disincentivization"

Thu Sep 10 2015

Verizon’s “Free” Mobile Streaming Service and the Many Questions About Sponsored Data

Tue Sep 08 2015

The Impact of Regulation on Broadband Investment

Wed Sep 02 2015

Loving Wi-Fi to Death—Wireless Carriers Want to Commercialize Unlicensed Spectrum?

Wed Aug 26 2015

Comcast Upselling Cable Modems

Wed Aug 19 2015

Nokia Mapping and the In-Car Billboard

Mon Aug 03 2015

Best Available Screen Challenges to the Wireless Lovefest

Mon Jul 20 2015

Verizon's Copper-Free Diet and the Poorly Educated Consumer

Wed Jul 15 2015

AT&T-DirecTV and the Benefit of Multiple Requests

Mon Jul 06 2015

AT&T Wireless Risks Having to Pay $100 Million in Tuition on Contract Law

Thu Jun 18 2015

TMobile-Dish--Not So Strange Bedfellows

Thu Jun 04 2015

FCC Chairman Tom Wheeler, the Wall Street Journal and the Secondary Meaning of Incontinent

Wed May 27 2015

If You Like the Airlines’ Consolidation, You Might Love an Even More Concentrated Broadband and Cable Marketplace

Tue May 26 2015

Mistakes, Mistruths and Outright Lies in the Assessment of Broadband Competition

Thu May 14 2015

Verizon and the Mixed Prospects of Vertical Integration

Tue May 12 2015

Circuit-Switched Telephony Metadata

Mon May 11 2015

Hi-Fi, Wi-Fi and Fi Wordplay

Mon May 11 2015

Will Skinny Bundles Reduce Your Video Bill?

Tue May 05 2015

5 Reasons Why Consumers Hate Comcast

Thu Apr 23 2015

Google Wireless: This Could Get Big . . . Eventually

Wed Apr 22 2015

Rethinking Efficiency in Size and Vertical Integration

Tue Apr 07 2015

New Video Streaming Options and Network Neutrality

Fri Mar 20 2015

A Concise and Preliminary Summary of the FCC's Published Open Internet Order

Thu Mar 12 2015

Comcast Streaming of NBC Broadcast Content

Thu Mar 05 2015

Federalism Versus Balkanization and Muni Wi-Fi

Thu Feb 26 2015

A Very Preliminary and Tentative Summary of the FCC’s Open Internet Order

Thu Feb 26 2015

A Foolproof Toolkit for Hiding Sponsored Research

Sun Feb 22 2015

The Title II Reclassification Distraction

Mon Feb 09 2015

Who's Who in Telecommunications Preemption

Fri Feb 06 2015

What’s Certain About the Regulatory Uncertainty Debate

Thu Feb 05 2015

Did Netflix Want Service Quality to Degrade?

Fri Jan 30 2015

Raising Consumer Rates with Sneaky Unbundling

Wed Jan 07 2015

AT&T and Comcast Violate the First Rule of Regulation During a Pending Acquisition

Wed Dec 17 2014

7+ Examples Where Consumers Don’t Call the Shots

Wed Dec 10 2014

Telecom Policy Lessons From Recent Aviation Mergers

Mon Dec 08 2014

Ted Cruz’s Bumper Sticker Reference to Network Neutrality as Obamacare for the Internet

Tue Nov 11 2014

Lessons in Telecom Portion Control

Sat Nov 08 2014

Terminating ISP Monopolies and the Similar Harm to Edge Providers and End Users

Wed Nov 05 2014

Out of Pocket Costs for Over The Top Applications Like Standalone HBO

Thu Oct 23 2014

Presentation on Sports Telecommunications Issues

Thu Oct 16 2014

HBO and Extreme Disintermediation

Wed Oct 15 2014

2.5 Blunders in an Otherwise Flawless Comcast Charm Offensive

Mon Aug 25 2014

Impact of the Aereo Supreme Court Decision on Broadcasters, Cloud Content Storage

Thu Jun 26 2014

Summary of the Supreme Court Aereo Decision

Wed Jun 25 2014

Leo Google

Fri Jun 06 2014

The Costs and Benefits of Bundled Information, Communications and Entertainment (“ICE”) Services

Wed May 21 2014

Incumbents Closing Ranks and the Urge to Merge

Mon May 19 2014

Can the FCC Turn a Network Neutrality Triple Play?

Fri May 16 2014

Reclassifying Internet Access as a Title II Regulated Telecommunications Service

Thu May 15 2014

Deconstructing the “If Only” Rationale for Megamergers in Telecommunications

Tue May 13 2014

Unintended and Intended Disinformation in Telecom Policy Discussions

Mon May 12 2014

Revenge of the Cord Nevers

Tue May 06 2014

Cable Retransmission/Channel Placement Negotiations and Commercially Reasonable Internet Connections

Mon Apr 28 2014

Better Than Best Efforts Routing of Mission Critical Traffic and the FCC

Wed Apr 23 2014

Aereo Lessons

Wed Apr 23 2014

Netflix Has Buyer’s Remorse Over Its Paid Peering Deal with Comcast

Sat Mar 22 2014

Scale and the Comcast-TWC Acquisition

Tue Mar 11 2014

Does Sec. 706 Authority Ride Solely on the FCC Continuing to Find Indequate Broadband Competition?

Thu Mar 06 2014

Paid Peering a Contradiction in Terms?

Mon Mar 03 2014

Netflix “Most Favored Nation,” Paid Peering Agreement With Comcast: The Good, Bad and Ugly

Mon Feb 24 2014

Consumer Impacts of a Net Biased Ecosystem

Fri Feb 21 2014

FCC Chairman Wheeler’s Open Internet Strategy Post Verizon v. FCC

Wed Feb 19 2014

Post Network Neutrality Feud Number 1: The Netflix (Traffic) Jam

Wed Feb 19 2014

A Free Pass for Comcast to Acquire Time Warner, Because They Don't Compete With Each Other?

Fri Feb 14 2014

Comcast-TWC: Why Compete and Innovate When You Can Buy Market Share?

Thu Feb 13 2014

The Network Neutrality Debate in “Extra Innings”

Wed Feb 05 2014

Short Netflix, Go Long Verizon?

Wed Jan 15 2014

The D.C. Circuit Court Decision on the FCC’s Open Access Order

Tue Jan 14 2014

Thoughts on AT&T's "Toll Free" Data Delivery Service

Tue Jan 07 2014

Comcast Logic: A New Broadcast TV Fee

Fri Dec 27 2013

Rent Seeking Across Party Lines

Tue Dec 17 2013

Tracking New Models and Conflicts in Web Interconnection and Delivery

Wed Dec 11 2013

Mission Critical Bits and Pay to Play Net Bias

Thu Dec 05 2013

News Flash: Airlines Discover Wireless Profit Center; Forget About Harm to Cockpit Communications

Sun Nov 24 2013

Some Brief Comments on Terminating the PSTN

Sun Nov 24 2013

Netflix and the Future of NGN Interconnection

Wed Oct 16 2013

Self-serving Self-regulation

Mon Oct 14 2013

The Dubious Rule of Three

Thu Aug 29 2013

Insights on How Many Economists Operate

Mon Aug 12 2013

A Senior Economist Calls My Comments “Stupid”

Mon Aug 12 2013

Jane Heller Frieden Eulogy July 11, 2013

Fri Jul 12 2013

Content Provider Wireless Subsidies

Fri May 10 2013

Maximizing the Benefits of Future Spectrum Auctions

Fri May 10 2013

What the Pennsylvania Liquor Control Board and Comcast Have in Common

Sat May 04 2013

The Lack of Competition in Cable Television Set Top Boxes

Wed May 01 2013

Competition as the Last Resort: A BYOD Discount

Fri Apr 26 2013

Wireless Market Concentration Leads to Lower Prices?

Thu Apr 25 2013

The FCC’s Role in the Two Plus Two Wireless Market

Thu Apr 25 2013

What Charlie Ergen’s Rational Exuberance Means for Consumers

Wed Apr 24 2013

Rebooting with a Shout Out to Comcast

Tue Apr 23 2013

Research Questions About Terminating the PSTN

Tue Dec 04 2012

Adventures in Cloud Computing (Part One)

Mon Dec 03 2012

Terminating the PSTN

Thu Nov 15 2012

Summary of the FCC's Elimination of the Bar on Exclusive Program Access Contracts

Mon Oct 08 2012

How the FCC’s 8th Broadband Report Became a Referendum on the Marketplace

Thu Aug 23 2012

Testing the Negraponte Flip

Tue Aug 14 2012

Where Are the AccuWeather Satellites?

Mon Jul 30 2012

New Publication--The Mixed Blessing of a Deregulatory Endpoint for the Public Switched Telephone Network

Thu Jul 26 2012

The Wireless Duopoly?

Mon Jul 09 2012

What’s Wrong With Some Types of Sponsored Research?

Fri Jul 06 2012

Questions Sponsored Wireless Competition Researchers Don’t Ask

Thu Jul 05 2012

Yale JOLT Article on Internet Access Regulation

Tue Jul 03 2012

Galley Proof Available for New Law Review Article

Wed Jun 20 2012

Billing Line Items in Telecom and Other Industries

Tue Jun 19 2012

About That Second, Third and Fourth Wireless “Attachment”

Fri Jun 15 2012

The New Economics of Metering

Tue Jun 12 2012

Does the ITU Want to Regulate the Internet?

Tue Jun 12 2012

“Toll Free” Broadband Service: Double Billing Ripoff, or a Better Than Best Efforts Premium Option?

Wed May 09 2012

A Shift in the Balance of Power Between Wireless Carriers and Subscribers

Mon May 07 2012

Whining All the Way to the Bank

Fri May 04 2012

Reintermediation—How Cable Incumbents Close Ranks with New Media

Tue May 01 2012

Network Neutrality in a Nutshell

Mon Apr 16 2012

Intranets and the Cloud: The Lack of Functional Difference Between Comcast’s Xbox and Regular Broadband Traffic

Tue Apr 10 2012

Pricing Power and the Lack of Competition in Broadband and Video

Tue Apr 10 2012

The Antitrust Remedy as a Red Herring

Mon Apr 02 2012

Cable and Telephone Giants: Embracing, Extending and Extinguishing the Competition

Thu Mar 22 2012

Cable A la Carte and Economic Efficiency

Tue Mar 13 2012

Hot Potato Routing and Real or Imagined Congestion

Sat Mar 10 2012

Metered Broadband and the Bellhead Way

Mon Mar 05 2012

Comcast Anti-consumer Strategies

Fri Feb 10 2012

The Law and Policy of Telecommunications and Plumbing

Tue Feb 07 2012

New pub: Assessing the need for More Incentives to Stimulate Next Generation Investment

Mon Feb 06 2012

Lessons From the Deregulation and Re-regulation of Broadcast Volume

Sun Jan 08 2012

It's Still the Phone Company (cont.)

Sun Jan 01 2012

Swinging for the Fence or Hitting Singles?—How AT&T and Verizon Further Consolidated the Wireless Marketplace While Most Weren’t Looking

Fri Dec 23 2011

Too Big to Fail Wireless Carriers

Tue Dec 20 2011

It’s Still THE Phone Company—Verizon Cuts Off Essential Long Distance Access to My 85 Year Old Mother!!!

Sun Dec 18 2011

Wireless Carriers’ Ambivalence Toward Wi-Fi

Thu Dec 08 2011

How Can U.S. Wireless Carriers Have the World’s Highest ARPUs and Some of the Lowest Rates?

Wed Nov 30 2011

A Wireless Duopoly?

Sun Nov 27 2011

Businessweek Can't Distinguish Bits From Bytes

Thu Nov 24 2011

Holiday Reading Part Two

Wed Nov 23 2011

Holiday Reading Part One

Wed Nov 23 2011

Being a Busy Academic

Wed Nov 02 2011

A Fair Estimate of Network Neutrality Costs and Benefits

Tue Sep 13 2011

Are Resellers Competitive Saviors, or Lower Than Pond Scum?

Mon Sep 12 2011

Academic Entrepreneurism and Rent Seeking

Wed Aug 31 2011

Buffets and Texting

Mon Aug 22 2011

Synchronized Rate Increases in DVD Rentals and Wireless Service

Tue Aug 16 2011

George Will Vilifies Liberals for Liking a Telephone Monopoly

Mon Aug 01 2011

The Academics’ Blessing and Curse

Fri Jul 22 2011

Wireless Cost Per Minute and Consumer Behavior

Thu Jul 21 2011

Number Counting as a Measurement of Wireless Competition

Tue Jul 19 2011

Interconnection Incentives—The Commercial Aviation Example

Mon Jul 18 2011

The Busy Hour Peak and All Other Times

Wed Jul 13 2011

Netflix Tests Subscribers Price Elasticity and Loyalty

Wed Jul 13 2011

Fair International Comparisons of Broadband Penetration

Mon Jul 11 2011

$1000 vs. $6.84 Million

Sun Jul 03 2011

AT&T Aquisition of T-Mobile Will Cure the Common Cold!

Wed Jun 15 2011

Internet in a Suitcase Abroad, But What About Pennsylvania?

Sun Jun 12 2011

Creative Lawyering

Mon Jun 06 2011

A Right Way, A Wrong Way and the . . .

Mon Jun 06 2011

Mercatus Center Panel on Wireless Competition

Fri May 20 2011

New Publication: A Nuanced Assessment of Network Neutrality

Wed Apr 20 2011

Compulsory Data Roaming: The FCC Imposes a Duty to Deal

Fri Apr 08 2011

News Flash!—FCC Identifies Market Failures in Wireless Marketplace

Fri Apr 08 2011

Panadora Investigation

Tue Apr 05 2011

Explaining Wireless Spectrum Woes

Thu Mar 24 2011

The Likely AT&T Wireless Playbook for Securing Authority to Acquire T-Mobile

Mon Mar 21 2011

AT&T-T Mobile One Merger Too Many?

Sun Mar 20 2011

New Publication--Legislative and Regulatory Strategies for Providing Consumer Safeguards in a Convergent Information and Communications Marketplace

Fri Mar 18 2011

Lies, Damn Lies and Broadband Statistics

Mon Feb 21 2011

New, Old and Forgotten Frames in the Network Neutrality Debate

Thu Jan 06 2011

Summary of FCC's Net Neutrality Report and Order

Tue Jan 04 2011

No Free Lunch in Internet Peering or Transit

Wed Dec 08 2010

Pick Your Poison: FCC Chairman Genachowski’s New Network Neutrality Strategy

Thu Dec 02 2010

Comcast’s Demand for a Video Surcharge From its Level 3 “Peer”

Mon Nov 29 2010

New Publication--Invoking and Avoiding the First Amendment: How Internet Service Providers Leverage Their Status as Both Content Creators and Neutral Conduits

Wed Nov 17 2010

Comments Filed on Improving International Comparisons of Broadband Development

Mon Oct 25 2010

The Verizon Wireless Data Rip Off—A Case Study

Thu Oct 14 2010

The Pennsylvania Broadband Summit

Tue Sep 21 2010

Which is the Primary Driver of Telecom Investment: Strategic Opportunities or Deregulation?

Wed Sep 15 2010

How Granular Do FCC Orders Have to Be?

Wed Sep 08 2010

Broadband Penetration in the U.S.: Saturated, Recession-Affected, or Pricing Out Many?

Fri Sep 03 2010

Network Neutrality Debate Down to Two Issues?

Wed Sep 01 2010

Improving the FCC’s Data Collection and Disclosure Practices

Fri Aug 20 2010

Does Granny Need a Platinum Plan to Get Her Mission Critical Medical Bits Timely Delivered?

Mon Aug 16 2010

How Clever is That?—More Thoughts on the Google-Verizon Deal

Tue Aug 10 2010

The Good, the Bad and the Ugly in the Google-Verizon Legislative Framework

Mon Aug 09 2010

About Those “Mission Critical” Bits

Thu Aug 05 2010

Political and Economic Lessons from a Spent Water Heater

Mon Aug 02 2010

Lies, Damn Lies and Statistics at the Federal Communications Commission

Wed Jul 28 2010

Identifying Areas in the U.S. Lacking Any Broadband Options

Thu Jul 22 2010

Comcast Violates an Unwritten Law

Wed Jul 21 2010

Content Deregulation and the Second Circuit Court Opinion on Fleeting Expletives

Mon Jul 19 2010

AYCE and the Third Screen

Mon Jun 07 2010

Handicapping the Viability of the Third Way Model for Internet Access Regulation

Wed May 19 2010

New Publication: Case Studies in Abandoned Empiricism and the Lack of Peer Review at the Federal Communications Commission

Tue May 18 2010

Network Neutrality and the FCC’s Inability to Calibrate Regulation of Convergent Operators

Thu May 06 2010

Publication of Winning the Silicon Sweepstakes

Tue Apr 20 2010

Summary of Court Decision Reversing the FCC Sanctions of Comcast

Wed Apr 07 2010

Trust the Cloud?

Fri Apr 02 2010

The National Broadband Plan--A Work in Progress

Fri Mar 26 2010

16 Page Summary of the National Broadband Plan and Mission Statement

Thu Mar 18 2010

Podcast on a Variety of Network Neutrality Issues

Tue Mar 16 2010

More Available Wireless Spectrum and Higher Market Entry Barriers

Wed Mar 03 2010

Does Judicial Deference Cleve Along a Deregulation/Expanded Regulation Axis?

Thu Feb 25 2010

Measuring Competitiveness in Wireless and Broadband

Tue Feb 23 2010

Something on the Op-Ed Page of the WSJ With Which I Agree

Mon Feb 22 2010

Wireless VoIP: Loss Leader or Upselling Strategy?

Fri Feb 19 2010

InfoDev (World Bank) Publication on Broadband Development

Mon Feb 15 2010

Google’s Broadband Projects

Fri Feb 12 2010

The Greatest Free-riders of Our Time

Fri Jan 29 2010

Top Ten Insights from the 33rd Annual Conference of the Pacific Telecommunications Council

Sun Jan 24 2010

Disintermediation on Steroids?

Fri Jan 15 2010

Agency Deference or Strict Statutory Construction—Conflicting Case Precedent

Mon Jan 11 2010

AT&T A Broadband Booster--Who Knew?

Fri Jan 08 2010

Having Its Cake and Eating it Too--Shirking Common Carriage While Retaining Rights of Way Access and Other Benefits

Tue Jan 05 2010

New Book Galley Proof Edit Completed

Mon Jan 04 2010

Summary of FCC's Rulemaking on Net Neutrality and Preserving the Open Internet

Fri Oct 23 2009

New Pub: Lock Down on the Third Screen: How Wireless Carriers Evade Regulation of Their Video Services

Thu Oct 15 2009

WSJ’s Misinformation Agenda

Wed Oct 14 2009

The Front-end and Back-End Effects of Spectrum Auction Open Access Commitments

Mon Oct 12 2009

The Regulatory Arbitrage Lovefest

Thu Oct 01 2009

Does the FCC Have Jurisdiction to Regulate Wireless Handsets?

Tue Sep 01 2009

Making a Mark in Telecom Policy: The 3PI Rule

Sun Aug 30 2009

FCC 30% Cap on Cable Operator Market Penetration Vacated

Fri Aug 28 2009

Law Review Article on U.S. Broadband Statistics

Tue Aug 11 2009

Some Unsolicited Advice for AT&T re Google Voice

Sun Aug 02 2009

Revealing the Inner Geek: E Layer Skip

Fri Jul 31 2009

The Google Telephone Company?

Thu Jul 23 2009

Response to Questions from Senator Udall

Mon Jul 13 2009

Why Is Your Smart Phone Is So Stupid?

Thu Jul 09 2009

WSJ Editorial on Wireless Handset Exclusivity

Tue Jul 07 2009

Response to Questions From Senator Snowe

Tue Jun 30 2009

New Work in Progress

Wed Jun 24 2009

Another Work in Progress--Lock Down on the Third Screen: How Wireless Carriers Evade Regulation of Their Video Services

Wed Jun 10 2009

Work in Progress-Lies, Damn Lies and Statistics: Developing a Clearer Assessmentof Market Penetration and Broadband Competition in the United States

Wed Jun 10 2009

Distance Is Not Dead or Cost Free

Mon May 04 2009

Carriers That Can Say No

Tue Apr 14 2009

Skype Jailbreak and the Unholy Alliance of Wireless Handset Makers and Carriers

Tue Mar 31 2009

Unbundling in Canada

Wed Mar 18 2009

Supreme Court Further Limits Antitrust Remedies for Carrier Pricing Complaints

Thu Feb 26 2009

Can Common Carrier Regulated Telephone Companies Limit Service Plans to Bundled Subscribers?

Tue Feb 17 2009

The Non-Lesson From Telecom Frauds

Wed Feb 11 2009

Regulatory Status of Wireless Information Appliances

Mon Feb 09 2009

Comcast Letter Hints at the Potential Common Carrier Regulation of VoIP Service

Wed Feb 04 2009

Top Ten List of FCC Regulatory Reforms—Part Two

Thu Jan 29 2009

Top Ten List of FCC Regulatory Reforms—Part One

Fri Jan 16 2009

Universal Service Reform

Mon Jan 12 2009

Analog Videophiles

Fri Jan 09 2009

Wireless Economies of Scale at the Price of Diminished Competition

Thu Jan 01 2009

Fuzzy Math in Calculating the Cost and Profit in Wireless Text Messaging

Mon Dec 29 2008

Deconstructing AT&T’s Claims About the iPhone

Mon Dec 29 2008

Do Transparency and Non-Discrimination Requirements Impose De facto Common Carriage Duties?

Wed Dec 24 2008

Wall Street Journal 100% Record Sustained—Deliberately Getting it Wrong on Network Neutrality

Tue Dec 23 2008

No Way to Put the Public Back in Public Utilities?

Sun Dec 21 2008

Apple iPhone Apps Store—Refreshing Openness or Walled Garden?

Thu Dec 18 2008

Edge Caching and Better Than Best Efforts Routing

Tue Dec 16 2008

The Downsides in Maximizing Spectrum Auction Proceeds

Fri Dec 12 2008

Lessons From the Hawaii Telcom Bankruptcy

Tue Dec 02 2008

Demand Elasticity for ICE Services

Fri Nov 21 2008

Voodoo Economic Modeling and Telecom Policy

Mon Nov 17 2008

Unlicensed White Space Use as an Airwave “Freeze”

Fri Oct 03 2008

Such a Deal: Wireless Service Without a 2 Year Commitment

Wed Sep 24 2008

Summary of the FCC's Comcast Network Management Order

Wed Aug 20 2008

Another Wrong-headed WSJ Editorial

Thu Jul 31 2008

U.S. Wireless: Cutting Edge or Inferior?

Sun Jul 20 2008

Consequences of Opt-in Better Than Best Efforts Internet Routing

Wed Jul 09 2008

New Journalism Vocabulary Words: Newsprint Trims and Access Points

Tue Jul 01 2008

Maybe We All Should Be Economists

Tue Jul 01 2008

Any Link Between Telecom Capacity Swaps and Flipping Oil Contracts?

Mon Jun 23 2008

Grieving Loss of the Filed Rate Doctrine

Sun Jun 22 2008

The Lack of Imputatation and How It Tilts the Competitive Playing Field

Tue Jun 10 2008

Winners and Losers in Yet Another Mega-Billion Dollar Acquisition—Verizon/Alltel

Fri Jun 06 2008

The Front and Back End of a Two Year Wireless Subscription

Fri May 30 2008

Stealth Deregulation

Fri May 02 2008

Wireless Carterfone is Not Overbearing Regulation

Tue Apr 15 2008

Who Makes the Any Apps Any Handset Call?

Wed Apr 02 2008

What Consultants Generally Do

Tue Mar 25 2008

Game, Set and Match: How AT&T and Verizon Will Largely Lock Down the Third Screen

Fri Mar 21 2008

Slightly Less Deceptive FCC Broadband Statistics Forthcoming

Fri Mar 21 2008

Usage-Based Pricing and a Potential Unanticipated Consequence

Tue Mar 04 2008

Information Service Telecommunications Service Mutual Exclusivity

Wed Feb 27 2008

Network Neutrality Unneeded in a Competitive Broadband Marketplace

Mon Feb 25 2008

Bulls, Bears and Greed

Thu Feb 21 2008

When the Web Is Not Faster, Better, Smarter …

Mon Feb 11 2008

The Internet’s Weakest Link—Submarine Cableheads

Fri Feb 01 2008

Boring into Broadband Penetration Statistics

Wed Jan 23 2008

Recent Presentation and Paper on Wireless Carterfone

Wed Jan 23 2008

What to Do With Heavy Internet Users?

Mon Dec 10 2007

European Assessment of Network Neutrality

Mon Dec 10 2007

Who's Behind That Blog?

Thu Nov 29 2007

FCC Chairman Martin A Tireless Consumer Advocate--Who Knew?

Wed Nov 28 2007

Why Thwart Network Usage When the Meter's On?

Tue Nov 27 2007

The Missing Human Link in an Internet Transaction

Sun Nov 11 2007

Response to Two Columns on Comcast’s Traffic Management Tactics

Fri Nov 09 2007

In Praise of Relatively Dumb Pipes

Tue Nov 06 2007

What Can the FCC Do When ISPs Block or Degrade Certain Types of Traffic?

Fri Nov 02 2007

DSL and Cable Modem Lose Over 24% Market Share in One Year??!!

Thu Nov 01 2007

Property Confiscation is in the Eye of the Beholder

Tue Oct 30 2007

My Thoughts on Wireless Carterfone and Network Neutrality

Fri Oct 26 2007

Empirical Evidence of Net Bias—Now What? (part two)

Tue Oct 23 2007

Empirical Evidence of Net Bias—Now What?

Tue Oct 23 2007

Expanding Pedestals

Thu Oct 11 2007

Consumer Protection for Cable Television But Not the Internet or Cellular Telephony

Tue Oct 09 2007

Nomination for the Worst in Sponsored Research

Mon Oct 01 2007

Global Best Practices in Telecom Policy

Mon Oct 01 2007

I-Phone Restrictions Herald the Benefits on Non-Neutral Networks--Not!!

Wed Sep 26 2007

The U.S. Justice Department Opposes Net Neutrality

Thu Sep 13 2007

Recommended Reading

Sun Sep 09 2007

Limited Regulatory Relief When ISPs Misbehave

Thu Aug 30 2007

The Power of a Slogan or Phrase

Mon Aug 20 2007

Two Recent Powerpoint Presentations on Net Neutrality and DRM

Sun Aug 19 2007

Protecting the Wireless Crown Jewel

Mon Aug 06 2007

Wireless State of Play: When Good Enough is the Enemy of Greatness

Mon Jul 30 2007

How Many Broadband Providers Does Your Zipcode Have?

Fri Jul 06 2007

Confiscation of ILEC Property?

Fri Jul 06 2007

FCC Makes the Right Call

Fri Jun 29 2007

Network Neutrality and Packet Sniffing

Wed Jun 20 2007

Spam Filter Drives Wedge in Marriage

Thu Jun 14 2007

Separating Cellular Service From Handsets

Mon Jun 11 2007

Capitol Hill Briefing on Universal Service

Wed May 23 2007

The State of Telecom Policy Discourse in Washington

Thu May 17 2007

Does Video Have a Long Tail?

Tue May 15 2007

Insights From the National Cable Show

Fri May 11 2007

Monthly $2 Charge for Not Making Calls and How to Avoid It

Sat May 05 2007

Lies, Damn Lies and Broadband Statistics

Mon Apr 30 2007

The Dark Side of Incentive Creation

Wed Apr 25 2007

Sponsored But Undisclosed "Research"

Mon Apr 23 2007

Government Rent Seeking Versus Commercial Profit Seeking

Thu Apr 19 2007

Bandwidth and Throughput Math

Wed Apr 18 2007

The Dark Side of Intelsat's Privatization

Tue Apr 17 2007

Review of Latest Sidak Piece on Network Neutrality

Mon Apr 16 2007


Mon Apr 16 2007

World Economic Forum Network Readiness Index--U.S. Drops From 1st to 7th

Sun Apr 15 2007

Academic Award Tombstone Just Like Deal Closing Collectible

Fri Nov 27 2020

Recent Publications

Fri Oct 09 2020

Network Neutrality: Cause and Effect

Fri Jan 22 2021

When a Confirmed Reservation Means Nothing of the Sort

Thu Jun 10 2021

Broadband Statistics and the Lack of Transparency

Tue Sep 16 2008

Testimony on the Consumer Wireless Experience

Fri Jun 19 2009

Determining Causality in Telecommunications

Thu May 06 2010

Telephone Pedestals and the Second Amendment

Mon Apr 29 2013

Adventures in Cord Shaving

Tue Apr 02 2019

Supreme Court Friend of the Court Brief

Thu Dec 24 2020

Fri Dec 21 2018

Thought Experiment: What Would You Do If You Saw an "Inoperative" Sticker on a Jet Exit Row Window?

Wed Aug 09 2017

Wed Aug 15 2018

Publications Announcement

Mon Aug 20 2018


network neutrality (100)wireless (45)sponsored research (34)antitrust (28)broadband (23)Open Internet (20)wireless competition (19)cable television (18)next generation networks (18)Comcast (16)competition (15)interconnection (13)partisanship (12)ISPs (12)peering (12)broadband statistics (12)wireless Carterfone (12)mergers and acquisitions (11)vertical integration (11)network management (11)rent seeking (10)null (10)result-driven decision making (9)FCC (9)common carriage (9)deregulation (9)5G (8)convergence (8)better than best efforts routing (8)broadband competition (8)Internet (7)universal service (7)federal preemption (7)lack of competition (7)consumer protection (7)AT&T (7)statistics (7)Wall Street Journal does not get it (7)unbundling (7)ICT development (7)economics (6)conscious parallelism (6)spectrum auctions (6)Verizon (6)politics (6)TMobile Sprint merger (6)Wi-Fi (6)information service (6)Verizon Wireless (6)wireless network neutrality (6)platforms (5)data mining (5)First Amendment (5)throttling (5)information services (5)regulatory uncertainty (5)federalism (5)FCC Chairman Pai (5)set top box competition (5)IPTV (5)spectrum management (5)regulatory reform (5)privacy (4)Damn Lies and Statistics (4)wireless carriers (4)Restoring Internet Freedom (4)VoIP (4)2015 Open Internet Order (4)zero rating (4)AT&T-Time Warner merger (4)paid prioritization (4)market concentration (4)best efforts routing (4)disintermediation (4)Netflix (4)terminating the PSTN (4)incentive creation (4)ATT TMobile merger (4)FCC jurisdiction (4)broadband development (4)Title I ancillary jurisdiction (4)National Broadband Plan (4)regulatory arbitrage (4)traffic shaping (4)two-sided markets (3)market failure (3)Covid-19 (3)Disinformation (3)infrastructure investment (3)national security (3)Lies (3)media concentration (3)algorithms (3)antitrust economics (3)lax regulatory enforcement (3)Chevron doctrine (3)Chicago School (3)horizontal integration (3)incentives (3)political economy (3)texting (3)capex (3)incentives to invest (3)telecommunications service (3)results-driven decision making (3)Wall Street Journal snark (3)competition policy (3)peer review (3)partisanship at the FCC (3)capital expenditure (3)incentives to invest in new plant (3)transparency (3)regulation (3)hot potato routing (3)municipal Wi-Fi (3)pricing (3)Internet regulation (3)Google (3)consumer welfare (3)Internet access (3)Aereo (3)copyright (3)retransmission consent (3)paid peering (3)Comcast-TWC acquisition (3)collusion (3)NGN development (3)wireless duopoly (3)metering (3)handset subsidies (3)lobbying (3)network neutrality. Washington (3)telecommunications policy (3)wireless freedom (3)handset freedom (3)Internet pricing (3)economies of scale (2)commercial surveillance (2)Bogus Wall Street Journal editorials (2)consumer surplus (2)Wall Street Journal (2)hipster economics (2)lax antitrust enforcement (2)journalistic hubris (2)digital divide (2)Huawei (2)ARPU (2)wireless rates (2)Intelsat (2)subsidies (2)results driven decision making (2)wireless resale (2)Sprint-TMobile merger (2)investment disincentives (2)lack of empiricism at the FCC (2)arbitrage (2)resale (2)TMobile-Sprint proposed merger (2)credit cards (2)infallible algorithms (2)4G (2)spoofing (2)predictions (2)FCC Chairman Ajit Pai (2)states' rights (2)"regulatory uncertainty" infrastructure investment (2)incivility (2)price discrimination (2)broadcast television (2)Comcast greed (2)OTAR (2)greedy carriers (2)tiering (2)upselling (2)Sprint (2)empirical research (2)snark at the FCC (2)artificial congestion (2)telecom mergers and acquisitions (2)Wi-Fi use by licensed carriers (2)economic analysis (2)privacy protection (2)inmate long distance telephone calls (2)Internet interconnection (2)Trump appointed FCC Chairman (2)unsponsored research (2)sponsored data (2)mergers (2)synergy (2)Yahoo (2)strategy (2)Internet of Things (2)spin (2)judicial review (2)lack of customer service (2)spectrum scarcity (2)MVPD (2)innovation (2)investment disincentivization (2)video streaming (2)metered broadband (2)Google Wireless (2)a la carte (2)QOS and price discrimination (2)value proposition (2)cord cutting (2)cord shaving (2)Title II (2)metered service (2)HBO (2)OTT (2)DRM (2)public performance (2)cable television retransmission consent (2)compensation arrangements (2)peering disputes (2)broadband pricing (2)snarkiness (2)Carterfone (2)premature deregulation (2)cloud computing (2)exclusive program access contracts (2)data plans (2)the lack of competition in telecommunicaitons markets (2)anticompetitive strategies (2)wireless competiton (2)academic entreprenuerism (2)consulting (2)benchmarking (2)FCC data collection (2)rights of way (2)wireless video (2)Google Voice (2)market penetration (2)safe harbor (2)universal service reform (2)common carrier (2)capacity swaps (2)access pricing (2)U.S. competitiveness (2)bottlenecks (2)subscription agreements (2)2021 (1)consumer behavior (1)Covid and the lack of customer care (1)economic laws (1)marketplace realities (1)intermediaries (1)network effects (1)price gouging (1)Walmart (1)data protection (1)Jan. 6 (1)Reasonable expectation of privacy (1)megabits per second (mbps) (1)newspaper style guides (1)technology acronyms (1)cybersecurity (1)duty of care (1)duty to disclose hacks (1)infrastructure (1)network hacking (1)network resilience (1)ransomware (1)mistruth at the Wall Street Journal (1)snark in the media (1)rural living (1)wireline telecommunications (1)blameshifting (1)villifying green power (1)false statistics (1)media manipulation (1)shameful practices (1)Wall Street Journal questionable journalism (1)broadcast mergers and acquisitions (1)economic modeling (1)economic (1)economic rules market countervailing behavior (1)pay TV (1)premium video content (1)price increases during times of reduced demand (1)NewTMobile (1)sleepless afternoons competing (1)wireless antitrust (1)chilling speech (1)ISP regulation (1)social network regulation (1)DoD proposed spectrum sharing (1)Public/Private Partnerships (1)Big Tech (1)no such thing as a free lunch (1)rat you out economy (1)location-based marketing (1)smartphone as surveillance tool (1)TracFone (1)CableCards (1)Carterfone policy (1)set-top boxes (1)AM Radio (1)Conservative Talk Radio (1)Machine Learning (1)old school newspapers (1)broadband networks (1)FCC poltics (1)Sec. 230 of the Communications Decency Act (1)broadband platforms (1)Chicago School antirust doctrine (1)economic rules (1)There's No Such Thing as a Free Lunch (1)humble pie (1)New York Times (1)resitance is futile (1)attractive nuisance (1)Facebook (1)hacking (1)Instagram (1)social networking (1)analog vs. ditial technologies (1)continuing use of fax machines (1)beggar thy neighbor (1)comparative advantage (1)industrial policy (1)protectionism (1)Tik-Tok (1)trade (1)ZTE (1)busy hour (1)network resiliency (1)peak demand (1)Covid-19 test of wireless and wireline functional equivalency (1)carrier incentives to invest and innovate (1)MEV-1 (1)Northrop Grumman (1)satellite station keeping fuel (1)satellites (1)space debris (1)space junk (1)station keeping (1)incentives to innovate (1)concentrated industries (1)why do companies merge (1)C-Band Alliance (1)private spectrum auctions (1)SES (1)spectrum planning (1)spectrum repacking (1)Telesat (1)deception (1)false advertising (1)consumer manipulation (1)market distortion (1)milk price supports (1)lifeline rates (1)pole attachment (1)public safety (1)Restoring Internet Freedom Order (1)cop on the beat (1)marketplace zealotry (1)QOS discrimination (1)mistruths (1)MVNO (1)WSJ (1)buying marketshare (1)fix is in (1)the fix is in (1)Virtual Mobile Network Operators (1)permissive antitrust policy (1)regulatory capture (1)industry concentration aviation (1)algorithm decision making (1)ATM machines (1)banking (1)cash (1)AT&T merger with Time Warner (1)expert witnesses (1)Nash bargaining theory (1)FCC results-driven decision making (1)Sec. 227(e) of the Communications Act (1)information services classification (1)results-driven decisions making at the FCC (1)robocalls (1)artificial intelligence (1)consumer debt (1)voodoo economics (1)"unlimited" wireless (1)wireless marketing (1)wireless pricing (1)California network neutrality legislation (1)resuls-driven decision making (1)antenna sites (1)wireless towers (1)Computer Inquiries (1)FCC preemption of state regulation (1)California network neutrality (1)SB-822 (1)service tiering (1)hyperpole (1)sponsored advocacy (1)common sense (1)FTC (1)AccuWeather (1)corporate cronyism (1)corporate welfare (1)public private partnerships (1)weather forecasting via radio (1)video content (1)judicial activism (1)Supreme Court Justice nominee (1)dihonesty (1)fake news (1)antennas (1)cable billing line items (1)old school technology (1)Time Warner (1)price fixing (1)TMobile (1)broadband deployment (1)politization at the FCC (1)biased networks (1)broadand (1)spillovers (1)unlimited data plans (1)privacy expectation (1)privacy intrusion (1)social networks (1)Carriers' Carrier (1)First Responder Network (1)private public partnerships (1)shared infrastructure investment (1)deregulatory zealotry (1)federal preemption of state network neutrality initiatives (1)Internet freedom (1)traffic throttling (1)ex ante regulation (1)ex post remedies (1)false humility (1)sector specific regulation (1)AT&T-Time Warner (1)incurious reporters (1)network neutrality merger (1)pay to play (1)regulatory capture AT&T (1)channel location (1)program access (1)cable tiering (1)Golf Channel (1)program carriage rules (1)Tennis Channel (1)connectivity (1)medical networks (1)surcharges (1)wireless mergers (1)plausible deniability (1)wireless vs. wireline competition (1)QOS degradation (1)video screen resolution throttling (1)independent research (1)feature competition (1)aviation comparison (1)service unbundling (1)Ajit Pai (1)call-back (1)ringless voice mail (1)spam (1)Telephone Consumer Protection Act (1)2017 Restoring Internet Freedom NPRM (1)Amit Pai (1)captive regulators (1)doctrinal economists (1)FCC decision making (1)partisan economists (1)airlines (1)denied boarding (1)lack of corporate remorse (1)private carriage (1)facsimiles (1)information age frustration (1)alternative facts (1)truthiness (1)cable set top box competition (1)mixed messages (1)rate gouging (1)non partisanship (1)video throttling (1)video tiering (1)Internet carrier compensation (1)legal analysis (1)bipartisanship (1)changes at the FCC (1)future scenarios and trends (1)agency expertise (1)glitches (1)Millennials; bar code pricing (1)email etiquette (1)cross-subsidies (1)ancillary jurisdiction (1)AT&T mergers (1)regulatory wingspan (1)inter-modal competition (1)intra-modal competition (1)telecom industry consolidation (1)content rules! (1)efficiency new media (1)new media (1)transformation (1)Bellheads (1)Contentheads (1)Netheads (1)Time-Warner (1)contracts of adhesion (1)take it or leave contracts (1)deep packet inspection (1)Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Act (1)modularity (1)Samsung 7 battery issue (1)wireless batteries (1)socialism (1)checkbook politics (1)municipal broadband (1)Google Fiber (1)muni-Wi-Fi (1)pole attachment law (1)tower siting law (1)permission-less innovation (1)red herrings (1)administrative law (1)blaming the regulator (1)conservative values (1)victimization (1)data rates (1)rationing capacity (1)Congress (1)H.R. 2666 (1)legislation (1)rate regulation (1)set top boxes (1)how Washington works (1)Internet compensation arrangement (1)latest publication (1)lack of customer service in cable television (1)rip offs (1)truth in billing (1)Comcast Broadcast TV Charge (1)retransmission fees (1)bombast (1)hyperbole (1)righteous indignation (1)nickel and diming (1)value proposition of cable (1)disincentives to invest (1)Millennials; (1)teaching undergrads (1)Millennials; college teaching (1)incumbent carriers (1)advertiser supported access to content (1)free ridership (1)zero rate data (1)regulatory brinksmanship (1)cherry picking (1)free riding (1)unlicensed spectrum (1)cable modem (1)upselling consumer protection (1)GPS (1)in-car screens (1)mapping (1)self-driving cars (1)copper retirement (1)consumer education (1)PSTN replacement (1)too big to fail (1)AT&T-DirecTV acquisition (1)buying market share (1)2010 Open Internet Order (1)AT&T wireless (1)bait and switch (1)meaning of the word unlimited (1)tariffing (1)Dish (1)market consolidation (1)propagation (1)spectrum (1)T-Mobile (1)wireless handsets (1)Time Warner Cable. horizontal integration (1)AOL (1)Bellhead (1)Cablehead (1)Nethead (1)circuit switching (1)NSA (1)telephony metadata (1)Fi wireless (1)Hi-Fi (1)skinny bundles (1)video bundles (1)Reasons to Hate Comcast (1)resale MVNO (1)economies of scale and scope (1)efficiency (1)specialized networks (1)NBC (1)streaming (1)balkanization (1)municipal Wi-F (1)Open Internet Order of Feb. 2015 (1)reclassifying Internet access (1)case precedent (1)Comcast-Time Warner Cable acquisition (1)QOS (1)consumer ripoffs (1)fraud (1)ICE marketplace (1)Senator Ted Cruz (1)Europe telecom marketplace (1)discrimination (1)edge providers (1)end users (1)OTT applications (1)sports telecommunications issues. sports black out rule (1)pr strategies (1)TWC merger (1)cloud storage (1)Supreme Court (1)Globalstar (1)Iridium (1)low earth orbiting satellites (1)Thuraya (1)bundling (1)DBS (1)DirecTV (1)information service reclassifying Internet access (1)wireless marketplace (1)partisanship even in list servs (1)Cord Nevers (1)commercially reasonable standard (1)Netflix-Comcast paid peering (1)Sec. 706 of the Communications Act (1)ISP interconnection (1)net bias (1)new peering and interconnection models (1)subscription rates (1)open Internet rules (1)Sec. 706 (1)Verizon v. FCC (1)compensation (1)traffic congestion (1)transiting (1)lack of marketplace competition (1)must carry (1)open access (1)double sided market (1)toll free data delivery service (1)cable rate increase (1)greedy cable television operators (1)policy making (1)sponsored tresearch (1)new web interconnection models (1)transit (1)double-sided markets (1)handset use restrictions (1)use of wireless devices on aircraft (1)CDNs (1)video (1)the lack of competition in telecommunications markets (1)Rule of Three (1)telecommunications economics (1)dysfunctional Washington (1)economists (1)arrogant economists (1)HHI (1)content provider subsides for wireless carriage (1)Digital Transport Adapters (1)lack of competition in equipment (1)set top box converters (1)prices (1)first mover advantage (1)wireless market (1)wireline carrier set aside (1)Dish Network (1)converter box rental (1)off air reception (1)ecomerce (1)PSTN (1)wireline (1)infrastructure developemtn (1)technology incubation (1)deregulation; information service (1)public switched telephone network (1)telecommunication service (1)Frieden publication (1)scope of regulation (1)academic research (1)billing line items (1)International Telecommunication Union (1)Internet governance (1)broadband surcharges (1)framing (1)wireless economics (1)channels (1)content distribution (1)reintermediation (1)television everywhere (1)network neutrality XBox 360 streaming (1)cable television pricing (1)Linkline (1)Trinko (1)set top box (1)interdiscipinarity (1)new publication (1)CALM Act (1)re-regulation (1)Verizon Awful Customer Service (1)digital literacy (1)over the top content (1)unmetered service (1)what academics do (1)CRTC (1)peak pricing (1)price elasticity (1)mergers and acquisitons (1)regularoty reform (1)CMRS competition reports to Congress (1)layered regulation (1)OSI protocol stack (1)wireless data roaming (1)data roaming (1)duty to deal (1)mobile apps (1)ATT Mobile merger (1)broadband rates (1)Level 3 (1)neutral conduit (1)international broadband comparisons (1)billing (1)middle mile (1)special access (1)issue framing (1)content regulation (1)indecency (1)protecting children (1)All You Can Eat pricing (1)Third Way regulation of Internet access (1)empiricial policymaking (1)Winning the Silicon Sweepstakes (1)wireless VoIP (1)lesser developed countries (1)free riders (1)Pacific Telecommunications Council (1)the future (1)eliminating the middleman (1)Rob Frieden publications (1)WSJ Does Not Get It (1)walled gardens (1)handset exclusivity (1)regulatory status (1)universal service funding (1)cost allocation (1)predatory pricing (1)price squeeze (1)IRUs (1)telecom frauds (1)Worldcom (1)information appliances (1)Internet telephony (1)digital conversion (1)digital television (1)regulatory failure (1)Apple (1)taxation (1)acquisitions (1)fees (1)leveraged buyouts (1)demand elasticity (1)economic models (1)white spaces (1)journalism (1)imputation (1)ala carte access (1)700 MHz spectrum auction (1)telecommunications conferences (1)e-commerce (1)productivity (1)network outages (1)submarine cables (1)New America Foundation (1)electronic commerce (1)human interface (1)dumb pipes (1)pedestals (1)global best practices (1)Carterfone 700 MHz spectrum auction (1)Telecommunications Act of 1996 (1)access charges (1)IPR (1)lock-in (1)telephony (1)long tail markets (1)long distance telephone service (1)rates (1)international telecommunications (1)WTO (1)privatization (1)satellite (1)divestiture (1)TELRIC (1)telecommunications (1)AEJMC academic tombstone (1)corporate tombstone (1)Frieden publications (1)negligence without consequences (1)no customer care (1)carrier of last resort (1)telephone company pedestals (1)basic tier (1)self help (1)functional equivalence (1)line television (1)non-linear video (1)on demand video (1)Prometheus Project (1)marketplace competition (1)public interest (1)safety (1)self-regulation (1)algorithm pricing (1)dynamic pricing (1)greed (1)ramsey pricing (1)new publicaitons (1)