Open Internet

Network Neutrality and the Court of Public Opinion

Mon Sep 10 2018

Missing the Burning Forest for the Trees-Verizon Throttles California Fire Fighters at the Worst Possible Time, But Few Get the Lesson

Thu Aug 23 2018

“Restoring” Internet Freedom for Whom?

Wed Dec 06 2017

Summary of the FCC's Restoring Internet Freedom NPRM

Thu May 25 2017

TMobile’s 480p Video Delivery Gambit: Tiering, or Throttling?

Wed Jan 18 2017

Who Pays What to Whom in the Internet Ecosystem?

Mon Jan 16 2017

A Nuanced Analysis of Zero Rating

Fri Nov 04 2016

Preliminary Summary of the D.C. Circuit Court of Appeals Network Neutrality Decision

Thu Jun 16 2016

New Video Streaming Options and Network Neutrality

Fri Mar 20 2015

A Concise and Preliminary Summary of the FCC's Published Open Internet Order

Thu Mar 12 2015

Comcast Streaming of NBC Broadcast Content

Thu Mar 05 2015

What’s Certain About the Regulatory Uncertainty Debate

Thu Feb 05 2015

Terminating ISP Monopolies and the Similar Harm to Edge Providers and End Users

Wed Nov 05 2014

Can the FCC Turn a Network Neutrality Triple Play?

Fri May 16 2014

Netflix Has Buyer’s Remorse Over Its Paid Peering Deal with Comcast

Sat Mar 22 2014

Netflix “Most Favored Nation,” Paid Peering Agreement With Comcast: The Good, Bad and Ugly

Mon Feb 24 2014

Consumer Impacts of a Net Biased Ecosystem

Fri Feb 21 2014

The Network Neutrality Debate in “Extra Innings”

Wed Feb 05 2014

Summary of FCC's Net Neutrality Report and Order

Tue Jan 04 2011

Network Neutrality Debate Down to Two Issues?

Wed Sep 01 2010