Verizon has joined the ranks of wireless carriers in the U.S. that degrade video screen resolution even if nearby tower congestion has not occurred.  See  Here are some questions that come to mind:

1)         If ISPs have a lawful claim to First Amendment speaker status, do content providers have a similar, or stronger freedom of expression link when ISPs purposefully distort and degrade the high definition video feed they receive and deliver in standard definition or worse to broadband subscribers?

2)         When, if ever, can an ISP invoke reasonable network management as justification for continuous and deliberate throttling of video traffic even when congestion has not occurred?

3)         Should the FCC impose the same no meddling/no degradation of “must carry” content Congress mandated the Commission establish for cable television operators?

4)         While arguably consumers may not see perceive much video presentation degradation on their smartphone screens, will many wireless broadband subscribers in the future try to “sling” video content from handsets to television sets where the degradation would appear significant?

5)         Is service pricing on the basis of video screen resolution much the same as tiering on the basis of bit transmission speed, or monthly data allowances?

6)         Do wireless carriers give with one hand and take with the other when offering conditionally “unlimited” service subject to standardized throttling of video traffic?  Is this reasonable marketing and puffery, or a deceptive business practice?

7)         Do wireless carriers intentionally, or inadvertently bolster the video on demand market share held by cable television operators when offering inferior screen resolution?

            In a future post, I will provide answers, but for now I would appreciate your thoughts.