When it comes to pricing, the conventional wisdom considers Walmart the regular low price leader, much like Southwest Airlines.  Think again.

These companies are no less willing to exploit gouging opportunities when available.  

Consider this rip off.  In June Walmart charged 50 cents for a gallon of spring or drinking water that my wife prefers when traveling.  Apparently, chlorinated water can wreck your bacterial balance among other bad things. A few days ago, Walmart charged 67 cents for this product, a 11+ percent increase reasonably attributable to pandemic costs, etc. 

Now Walmart is charging 98 cents, nearly a 100% increase.  

Walmart would be hard pressed to provide any cost plus basis for such a substantial increase in price in such a short period of time.  Sadly, there appears to be no way the so-called marketplace can discipline and punish such price gouging as insufficient numbers of people will cote with their feet and seek the 80 cent option available at Food Lion.

In this greedy, rip off, make up for lost profits environment, buyer beware,