In their quest for deregulation wireless carriers in the United States may regret one regulatory feature: the Filed Rate doctrine and more generally the power of tariffs to establish compulsory contractual terms and conditions. With tariffs carriers enjoy substantial insulation from subscriber law suits and liability for violating consumer protection safeguards. Presumably a regulator approved tariff offers such adequate consumer safeguards that other consumer protections would be unnecessary. In any event the tariff supersedes any contract or marketing promise made to seal the deal.

In the current wireless environment the carriers apply “take it or leave it” contracts with subscribers and no longer have to file tariffs. The carriers have to defend their contracts and their often suspect behavior against violations of state consumer, fair trade and other laws. The carriers now seek to remove the applicability of such laws on federal preemption grounds, i.e., that the risk of balkanized policies—50 different jurisdictions applying different laws—would so confuse and otherwise harm consumers that the FCC needs to establish one uniform set of rules.

In light of the FCC’s current lax attitude toward consumer protection federal preemption would offer wireless carriers a sweet deal: make some minor accommodation on early termination charges and receive some possibly significant degree of insulation from state consumer protection laws. What consumers save in terms of pro-rated early termination charges, the FCC will transfer that and more if wireless carriers can get away with behavior that otherwise would have them paying millions in damages for violating state law.