network neutrality

Tracking Inconsistent Zigs and Zags in Telecom Policy Research

Mon Aug 16 2021

Network Neutrality: Cause and Effect

Fri Jan 22 2021

Freedom of Speech Hypocrites

Fri Oct 16 2020

Lies, Damn Lies and Wall Street Journal Editorials

Fri Apr 03 2020

What You Need to Know About the Restoring Internet Freedom Court Decision

Wed Oct 02 2019

Results-driven Decisions that Do Not Pass the Smell Test: The D.C. Circuit Affirms Most of the FCC’s Restoring Internet Freedom Order

Tue Oct 01 2019

A False All Clear Conclusion from the Chicago Tribune

Tue Sep 03 2019

OMG! The FCC Just Legalized Spoofing!

Fri Jan 11 2019

Neutrality Regulatory Uncertainty and Wireless Carrier Capital Expenditures

Tue Oct 23 2018

Network Neutrality and the Court of Public Opinion

Mon Sep 10 2018

Lessons in Incivility: Two Frequent and Frustrating Strategies

Sun Sep 02 2018

Missing the Burning Forest for the Trees-Verizon Throttles California Fire Fighters at the Worst Possible Time, But Few Get the Lesson

Thu Aug 23 2018

Radical, Judicial Activism in a Kavanaugh Dissent

Tue Jul 10 2018

Life in the Antitrust Wonderland: Suspension of Disbelief and the TMobile-Sprint Merger

Fri Jun 22 2018

The Sun Will Rise on Monday Even With the Sunset of Network Neutrality

Fri Jun 08 2018

Freedom to Discriminate: Assessing the Lawfulness and Utility of Biased Broadband Networks

Sun Apr 15 2018

FCC Preemption of State Network Neutrality Initiatives

Thu Jan 11 2018

A Deep Dive into the FCC’s Circulated Restoring Internet Freedom Document

Sun Dec 17 2017

“Restoring” Internet Freedom for Whom?

Wed Dec 06 2017

The Misguided Wisdom in Substituting the Generalist FTC for Sector-Specific FCC Expertise

Fri Dec 01 2017

Seven Questions About Wireless Carrier Throttling of All Video Streams

Tue Aug 22 2017

Degrading Customer Quality of Experience as a Successful ISP Business Strategy

Fri Jul 14 2017

The 5G Wireless Utopia Just 6 Months After the Obama Investment Downer

Wed Jul 05 2017

Summary of the FCC's Restoring Internet Freedom NPRM

Thu May 25 2017

TMobile’s 480p Video Delivery Gambit: Tiering, or Throttling?

Wed Jan 18 2017

Who Pays What to Whom in the Internet Ecosystem?

Mon Jan 16 2017

A Nuanced Analysis of Zero Rating

Fri Nov 04 2016

Preliminary Summary of the D.C. Circuit Court of Appeals Network Neutrality Decision

Thu Jun 16 2016

Latest Law Review Publication

Mon Jan 25 2016

Everything You Ever Wanted to Know About Network Neutrality

Tue Dec 08 2015

So Why Would Verizon and Other Carriers Want to Spend Yet More Billions on Content?

Thu Dec 03 2015

Google Wireless: This Could Get Big . . . Eventually

Wed Apr 22 2015

Rethinking Efficiency in Size and Vertical Integration

Tue Apr 07 2015

New Video Streaming Options and Network Neutrality

Fri Mar 20 2015

A Concise and Preliminary Summary of the FCC's Published Open Internet Order

Thu Mar 12 2015

Comcast Streaming of NBC Broadcast Content

Thu Mar 05 2015

A Very Preliminary and Tentative Summary of the FCC’s Open Internet Order

Thu Feb 26 2015

The Title II Reclassification Distraction

Mon Feb 09 2015

What’s Certain About the Regulatory Uncertainty Debate

Thu Feb 05 2015

Ted Cruz’s Bumper Sticker Reference to Network Neutrality as Obamacare for the Internet

Tue Nov 11 2014

Terminating ISP Monopolies and the Similar Harm to Edge Providers and End Users

Wed Nov 05 2014

Out of Pocket Costs for Over The Top Applications Like Standalone HBO

Thu Oct 23 2014

2.5 Blunders in an Otherwise Flawless Comcast Charm Offensive

Mon Aug 25 2014

Can the FCC Turn a Network Neutrality Triple Play?

Fri May 16 2014

Better Than Best Efforts Routing of Mission Critical Traffic and the FCC

Wed Apr 23 2014

Netflix Has Buyer’s Remorse Over Its Paid Peering Deal with Comcast

Sat Mar 22 2014

Netflix “Most Favored Nation,” Paid Peering Agreement With Comcast: The Good, Bad and Ugly

Mon Feb 24 2014

FCC Chairman Wheeler’s Open Internet Strategy Post Verizon v. FCC

Wed Feb 19 2014

Post Network Neutrality Feud Number 1: The Netflix (Traffic) Jam

Wed Feb 19 2014

A Free Pass for Comcast to Acquire Time Warner, Because They Don't Compete With Each Other?

Fri Feb 14 2014

The Network Neutrality Debate in “Extra Innings”

Wed Feb 05 2014

Short Netflix, Go Long Verizon?

Wed Jan 15 2014

The D.C. Circuit Court Decision on the FCC’s Open Access Order

Tue Jan 14 2014

Thoughts on AT&T's "Toll Free" Data Delivery Service

Tue Jan 07 2014

Mission Critical Bits and Pay to Play Net Bias

Thu Dec 05 2013

Content Provider Wireless Subsidies

Fri May 10 2013

“Toll Free” Broadband Service: Double Billing Ripoff, or a Better Than Best Efforts Premium Option?

Wed May 09 2012

Network Neutrality in a Nutshell

Mon Apr 16 2012

Metered Broadband and the Bellhead Way

Mon Mar 05 2012

A Fair Estimate of Network Neutrality Costs and Benefits

Tue Sep 13 2011

New Publication: A Nuanced Assessment of Network Neutrality

Wed Apr 20 2011

New, Old and Forgotten Frames in the Network Neutrality Debate

Thu Jan 06 2011

Summary of FCC's Net Neutrality Report and Order

Tue Jan 04 2011

Pick Your Poison: FCC Chairman Genachowski’s New Network Neutrality Strategy

Thu Dec 02 2010

Comcast’s Demand for a Video Surcharge From its Level 3 “Peer”

Mon Nov 29 2010

The Pennsylvania Broadband Summit

Tue Sep 21 2010

Network Neutrality Debate Down to Two Issues?

Wed Sep 01 2010

Does Granny Need a Platinum Plan to Get Her Mission Critical Medical Bits Timely Delivered?

Mon Aug 16 2010

The Good, the Bad and the Ugly in the Google-Verizon Legislative Framework

Mon Aug 09 2010

About Those “Mission Critical” Bits

Thu Aug 05 2010

Network Neutrality and the FCC’s Inability to Calibrate Regulation of Convergent Operators

Thu May 06 2010

Summary of Court Decision Reversing the FCC Sanctions of Comcast

Wed Apr 07 2010

Podcast on a Variety of Network Neutrality Issues

Tue Mar 16 2010

Something on the Op-Ed Page of the WSJ With Which I Agree

Mon Feb 22 2010

Summary of FCC's Rulemaking on Net Neutrality and Preserving the Open Internet

Fri Oct 23 2009

WSJ’s Misinformation Agenda

Wed Oct 14 2009

The Front-end and Back-End Effects of Spectrum Auction Open Access Commitments

Mon Oct 12 2009

New Work in Progress

Wed Jun 24 2009

Do Transparency and Non-Discrimination Requirements Impose De facto Common Carriage Duties?

Wed Dec 24 2008

Wall Street Journal 100% Record Sustained—Deliberately Getting it Wrong on Network Neutrality

Tue Dec 23 2008

Edge Caching and Better Than Best Efforts Routing

Tue Dec 16 2008

Summary of the FCC's Comcast Network Management Order

Wed Aug 20 2008

Another Wrong-headed WSJ Editorial

Thu Jul 31 2008

Consequences of Opt-in Better Than Best Efforts Internet Routing

Wed Jul 09 2008

Usage-Based Pricing and a Potential Unanticipated Consequence

Tue Mar 04 2008

Network Neutrality Unneeded in a Competitive Broadband Marketplace

Mon Feb 25 2008

What to Do With Heavy Internet Users?

Mon Dec 10 2007

European Assessment of Network Neutrality

Mon Dec 10 2007

Response to Two Columns on Comcast’s Traffic Management Tactics

Fri Nov 09 2007

In Praise of Relatively Dumb Pipes

Tue Nov 06 2007

What Can the FCC Do When ISPs Block or Degrade Certain Types of Traffic?

Fri Nov 02 2007

Empirical Evidence of Net Bias—Now What? (part two)

Tue Oct 23 2007

Empirical Evidence of Net Bias—Now What?

Tue Oct 23 2007

Consumer Protection for Cable Television But Not the Internet or Cellular Telephony

Tue Oct 09 2007

I-Phone Restrictions Herald the Benefits on Non-Neutral Networks--Not!!

Wed Sep 26 2007

The U.S. Justice Department Opposes Net Neutrality

Thu Sep 13 2007

Recommended Reading

Sun Sep 09 2007

Wireless State of Play: When Good Enough is the Enemy of Greatness

Mon Jul 30 2007

Network Neutrality and Packet Sniffing

Wed Jun 20 2007

Review of Latest Sidak Piece on Network Neutrality

Mon Apr 16 2007