sponsored research

Tracking Inconsistent Zigs and Zags in Telecom Policy Research

Mon Aug 16 2021

Network Neutrality: Cause and Effect

Fri Jan 22 2021

Local Broadcast Market Concentration Promotes More Local News Operations?

Fri Jan 22 2021

Hipster and Geriatric Antitrust Doctrine

Wed Aug 05 2020

When Economist-Created “Rules” and “Laws” Do Not Work or Are Forgotten

Sun Jul 26 2020

U.S. Passes a Key Resiliency Test, But Let’s Not Get Carried Away

Sun May 10 2020

Lessons From Milk Price Supports

Wed Oct 30 2019

What You Need to Know About the Restoring Internet Freedom Court Decision

Wed Oct 02 2019

Results-driven Decisions that Do Not Pass the Smell Test: The D.C. Circuit Affirms Most of the FCC’s Restoring Internet Freedom Order

Tue Oct 01 2019

What the Mergers by and of U.S. Airways Tell Us About the TMobile Sprint Merger

Mon Apr 29 2019

Neutrality Regulatory Uncertainty and Wireless Carrier Capital Expenditures

Tue Oct 23 2018

Regulatory Uncertainty and Investment Incentives

Thu Oct 04 2018

Life in the Antitrust Wonderland: Suspension of Disbelief and the TMobile-Sprint Merger

Fri Jun 22 2018

Regulation as a Manageable Cost Center: The Example of Network Neutrality and the AT&T Acquistion of Time Warner

Tue Nov 21 2017

Plausible Deniability and Its Role in Sponsored Research

Thu Aug 31 2017

Wireline vs. Wireless Broadband: Alternative or Complementary Technologies?

Fri Aug 25 2017

The High Cost of Independence in Telecommunications Policy Analysis

Sat Jul 22 2017

Reform the FCC!

Sun Nov 27 2016

Set Top Box Death Watch—Are You Kidding?

Mon Apr 25 2016

Lies, Damn Lies, Statistics and Mistruths in the Set Top Box Debate

Fri Apr 22 2016

So Why Would Verizon and Other Carriers Want to Spend Yet More Billions on Content?

Thu Dec 03 2015

Incumbents’ Incentives and Disincentives to Invest in Existing and Next Generation Networks

Mon Oct 19 2015

A Foolproof Toolkit for Hiding Sponsored Research

Sun Feb 22 2015

Maximizing the Benefits of Future Spectrum Auctions

Fri May 10 2013

Wireless Market Concentration Leads to Lower Prices?

Thu Apr 25 2013

What’s Wrong With Some Types of Sponsored Research?

Fri Jul 06 2012

A Fair Estimate of Network Neutrality Costs and Benefits

Tue Sep 13 2011

The Academics’ Blessing and Curse

Fri Jul 22 2011

Wireless Cost Per Minute and Consumer Behavior

Thu Jul 21 2011

Determining Causality in Telecommunications

Thu May 06 2010

Voodoo Economic Modeling and Telecom Policy

Mon Nov 17 2008

Stealth Deregulation

Fri May 02 2008

The U.S. Justice Department Opposes Net Neutrality

Thu Sep 13 2007

Sponsored But Undisclosed "Research"

Mon Apr 23 2007