During my sabbatical from Penn State last term, I embarked on several network neutrality deep dives.  I have generated the following publications:

Conflict in the Network of Networks: How Internet Service Providers Have Shifted From Partners to Adversaries, COMMUNICATIONS & ENTERTAINMENT LAW JOURNAL (in production).

Network Neutrality and Consumer Demand for “Better Than Best Efforts” Traffic Management, FORDHAM INTELLECTUAL PROPERTY, MEDIA & ENTERTAINMENT LAW JOURNAL (in production).

Ex Ante Versus Ex Post Approaches to Network Neutrality: A Comparative Assessment, 30 BERKELEY TECHNOLOGY LAW JOURNAL, No. 2, 1562-1612 (2015).

Déjà vu All Over Again: Questions and a Few Suggestions on How the FCC Can Lawfully Regulate Internet Access, 67 FEDERAL COMMUNICATIONS LAW JOURNAL, No. 3, 325-376 (2015).

What’s New in the Network Neutrality Debate, 2015 MICHIGAN STATE LAW REVIEW 739-786.

Internet Protocol Television and the Challenge of “Mission Critical” Bits, 33 CARDOZO ARTS & ENTERTAINMENT LAW JOURNAL, No.  1, 47-87 (2015).

            I can send a copy or web link upon request.