Consider the word
unlimited. What comes to mind? OK. Hold that thought.
Now, let’s
precede unlimited with the following word options: Go; Beyond; Above.
I think one
would “get” the concept of go in terms of wireless cellphone service. Go means qualify for unlimited, unmetered,
unthrottled service.
But in the
wireless world, unlimited does not mean un-anything. If it did, we would not
have more expensive rate plans that offer: Beyond Unlimited, or better yet,
Above the threshold of unlimited. See this
web site for an explanation of Verizon wireless plans and prices:
So how will
the marketplace and the related court of public opinion respond to this pricing
and service provision strategy?
For my
part, I find it insulting and an over-estimate of consumers’ chump factor. On the other hand, P.T. Barnum had a different
opinion about suckers.